Dark Chocolate & Salted Caramel Macarons.

Also known as how to make everyone flock to your table at cheetah-like speed. I was a latecomer to the macaron craze. I had never so much as sniffed a macaron until halfway through my degree when the lovely Emily brought a selection of macarons to a valentines party. Well myself and the macarons had … Continue reading

Double chocolate chip cookies

Well, it’s been a while. I’ve given up a large amount of my blog time in order to sleep in the last few months (job, exams, life has been taking over), but I have been swearing to myself that I would actually do some baking and manage to take some pictures and write something on … Continue reading

Chocolate Mousse

Going from being a broke student to a broke jobholder has it’s perks. For one, I have slightly more disposable income. I mean slightly, you’d all have heartattacks if you knew how much my student loans add up to, and that means more work for me, so I won’t tell you. So on my first … Continue reading