Books glorious books

I have shared with you my obsession with books. Don’t you just love a new books. The way its so shiny and unread.. So I shall catalogue my favourites here and pop in a few recommendations. If you have recommendations for me/would like to share what you are reading please leave a comment! I love new book recommendations 🙂

I am currently reading:

Complications. A surgeons notes on an imperfect science  by Atul Gawande (Medicine, Yay!)


Notes on a big country by Bill Bryson (My hero)


Tickling the English by Dara O’Briain (The legend)


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl (Because I am a complete childrens book addict and I LOVE this book. Also one of my top 5 books)

I have just finished reading:

Down Under by Bill Bryson

I cannot stress enough the absolute genius of this man. I want him to come to our Dinner Party. (Myself and Jen have the perfect Dinner Party guest list. Post to come later)

Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

Highly recommend this one. This lady is me. She says exactly what I think. I loved it. Thank you Mary.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl who Played with Fire, The Girl who Kicked the Hornets Nest by Stieg Larsson

Great reads if you want something that you can’t put down. Nicely written. Makes me want to drink coffee and eat pastries all day.

3 thoughts on “Books glorious books

  1. Hooray books. Although, un-hooray on the ones that are medically related. And I can’t leave you a recommendation because you don’t like my books! See virtual bookshelf on facebook if you must know.

  2. Read the Stieg Larsson books at the end of last year, galloped through them all but was in hospital reading the third and completely high with fever so had to re-read it to find out what happened! Was a bit of a slow read though. Just finished Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society, it is so fab! Makes me want to go to Guernsey and pretend I’m cut off from the rest of the world! Okay I’ll stop rambling now.
